Download here the brand new flyer for the class of the Master Professional in Lasers in Dentistry at SFU Vienna. Master Program Registration and information request: Visit the schedule page for the dates of the Master Professional course HERE, or contact us directly below: Contact Mr. Leon Vanweersch, academic coordinator […]

Download the Master Flyer

Dentistry is constantly evolving, and as a modern dental practitioner, it is essential to stay up-todate with the latest techniques and technologies. One such technology that has revolutionised the field of dentistry is the use of lasers, which have been used in dentistry for over 30 years and have proven […]

Advanced Endo Course (and Laser Safety) in South Africa

The International Society for Laser Dentistry (ISLD) is dedicated to promoting and extending the knowledge of the use of laser dentistry through scientific research and education. In 2024, the 19th ISLD Congress will take place in Porto, Portugal. This educational meeting will include lectures, seminars, teaching courses, research symposiums and […]

10th WALED and 19th ISLD International Congress 2024 in Porto, ...

We are excited to announce that the registrations for the new Master Professional course “Lasers in Dentistry” (120 ECTS credit points) is now open with SFU Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, Austria! The Master’s program in Lasers in Dentistry is an application-oriented continuing education program, whereby great importance is also […]

Master Professional Registrations 2023 open now!

Lasers have been used in dentistry for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes for more than 30 years and are an indispensable instrument in modern dental surgery. The use of lasers enables new treatment methods to be employed and lasers can meaningfully supplement more traditional therapies. Further, modern facilities and increased customer […]

A message from Vienna: Master Professional “Lasers in Dentistry”

WALED 2023
UPDATE: Download the WALED congress program here: We are excited to announce the next WALED congress for all AALZ alumni! Please find below the preliminary flyer and preliminary program. The location will be at SFU Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, Austria, where AALZ is also now offering the Master Professional […]

9th WALED Congress 2023

Important Notice It has come to our attention that fake courses are offered under the AALZ logo and name without our permission. This is i.e. the case in Mexico and South American countries. In order to ensure the highest course quality make sure that your course is a genuine AALZ […]

Beware Of Copy Cats!